Cloud electronic signature (CES) is an analog of a handwritten signature in electronic format, which contains digital symbols with the necessary data about its owner. CES is a qualified electronic signature and complies with the following attributes:
- obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the signature key;
- allows to unambiguously identify the person who signed the electronic document;
- created using electronic signature means that the signatory of the electronic document is able to retain under his or her control;
- the electronic signature verification key is specified in the qualified certificate;
- to create and verify an electronic signature, electronic signature tools that have received confirmation of compliance with the requirements established in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On Electronic Signature shall be used.
CES can be obtained from:
- Community Service Centers (CSC);
- Business Service Centers (BSC);
- Centers for civic and digital education (CCDE);
- Local territorial administrations (LTA);
- Embassies and consulates of the Kyrgyz Republic located in the territories of other countries;
CES is provided free of charge only to persons who have reached the age of majority and have a passport. CES is issued for a period of 1 year from the date of receipt!
The following documents are required to obtain a CES:
- for individuals - passport;
- for legal entities - the following package of documents specified here.
Simple electronic signature (SES) - is an electronic signature whose signature key matches the electronic signature itself (codes, passwords and other identifiers). SES is a non-qualified electronic signature and meets the following attributes:
- obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the signature key;
- allows to unambiguously identify the person who signed the electronic document;
- allows detecting the fact of making changes to an electronic document after it has been signed;
- created using electronic signature means that the signatory of the electronic document is able to retain under his or her control;
Unified identification system (UIS) - is an automated system that aggregates identification and authorization methods stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. This system allows the user to;
- use a single account for authorization in various state information systems integrated with the UIS;
- avoid multiple registrations in different government systems;
- ensures secure interaction between the user and the information system connected to the UIS.
1. Download the Tunduk app
2. Click on the "Login" button
3. Click on the "Not registered?" button
4. Fill in the fields (PIN, passport series and number, e-mail and phone number)
5. Mark consent to create an account in UIS
6. Click on the "Add Photo" button
7. Familiarize yourself with the rules of taking photos, click on the "Add Photo" button
8. Take a picture, click on the green check mark
9. Click on the "Registration" button
10. Confirm your email. A code has been sent to the specified email address
11. CES received! Click on the "OK" button to view the agreement
12. The agreement can be shared (the "Share" button at the top), when you click on the "OK" buttons at the bottom - go to the authorization page
1. Select the login method via "Electronic signature"
2. Enter your personal number and click the "Next" button
3. Enter the password and click "Next" button
4. Select "Cloud Electronic Signature" and click the certificate through which you want to sign in
5. Select "Receive code via Email"
6. Enter the verification code that was sent to your email and click the "Sign In" button
7. Congratulations! You have been successfully authorized
To login using an ID-card, you need to connect the card reader to your computer, install the special software TumarCSP and Cryptosocket (they can be downloaded from the official website of "Infocom" SE).
1. Select Login with "ID card"
2. Insert your ID card the card reader
3. Enter the 4-digit code from your ID-card that you set when you received your passport
4. Click the "Login" button
1. Choose QR-code to log in
2. Go to the "Tunduk" mobile app and log in
3. On the home page of the mobile app, click on the "Scan" button
4. Scan the QR-code shown on the computer screen
5. Congratulations! You have been successfully authorized
Authorization via QR code is temporarily unavailable in the information systems of the tax department